Good Plan

Your personal timetable app for Windows

Get it on Windows 10


Lesson plan/timetable app combined with calendar and reminder.

Manage lesson schedules, homeworks, exams, grades and much more.

Ideal for pupils and students, but also for parents.

First and most popular app of this type in the world on Windows Store.

Completely rewritten from scratch specifically for Windows 10.

1.8 mln users

People using app around the world

4.4 average rating

With 6500 ratings only last year

Top100 most popular apps

In many countries like Germany, France, Italy

22 languages

Amount of supported languages

11 years history

Available since August 2012

Runner-up Nokia contest

2014 Nokia contest for the best Windows Phone apps



Good Plan support 22 languages. The app is translated with the help of app users from different countries. If You want to help with the translation of a new language or improve any of the available languages, download one of .zip files with language You want to translate. It contains two same files, one for open in Notepad, one for open in Excel. Open one of it, edit, and mail to me result. If You want to translate new language, download any file and edit entire file.

Privacy Policy

Good Plan does not collect or use any of Your personal information. App can use Your Microsoft account to download data from Your OneDrive, but only if You give permission, and does not collect any of Your OneDrive information.